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The Global Scholars Program is an educational initiative with the aim to connect students ages 10-13

(1°ESO in Spain) with peers across the globe. The program maintains a primary focus on global

and general learning competencies as well as technological literacy, with students using an

e-classroom to post and reply to other classmates, complete worksheets and lessons, and

share cultural perspectives. The Global Scholars Program was introduced to IES Alfredo

Kraus at the start of the 2019-2020 academic year, and I was given the priviledge of

being the Language Assistant assigned to the program. During the 2019-20 syllabus,

Nature and Our Cities, students were taught the importance of nature in our lives, 

building sustainable cities, and finished the year with a community action project in

which they described an idea they could implement in the city to better protect the 

cities' natural spaces, promote biodiversity, and reduce pollution. The topic for the 2020-21

academic school year, Resourceful Cities, aims to investigate the local and global impacts of 

consumption, with a final goal of implementing a plan for responsible consumption in their city.


(Left) This map shows the different cities across the globe that are participants in the Global Scholars Program. Madrid is identified as a hub city, indicating that there are more than 100 Global Scholars students at the variety of participating educational centers. Students are able to communicate with fellow Global Scholars in their city and across the globe, allowing them to gain cultural perspectives, insights, and truly become global citizens.

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